Jesus, “The Great Physician,” was famous for his healing ministry. We see healing ministry as genuine, spiritually-based medicine’s proper and true function.
You might not like what I am going to say. People are suffering from “bad” medicine or “medicine,” which has an agenda other than curing illness or disease. I have a big question for those in the Christian community.
Does your faith-based organization, church, seminary, or church teach and practice Natural Medicine? Those “church” members or “goers.” we like to say that we follow Jesus and his example. We refer to Jesus as the “Great Healer,” the “Great Physician,” and we want to emulate his example, yes? Then why do not Christian organizations, churches, and seminaries not operate medical schools and programs teaching the type of medicine Jesus practiced?
Why do 99% of self-identifying Christians go to Allopathic, Technocratic, Collectivist, or Secular (Atheist) Corporate medical care at the first sniffle, cough, or illness of any kind? For thousands of years, 99% of health care was practiced by the “church.”The term “Hospital” was invented and coined by Christian Monastic Physicians to denote a place where healing was physically administered both in the name of and the likeness of Jesus as a role model.
These Monastic Medical institutions treated every we treat today with functional medicine for a thousand years up to the 1920s and 30s. When this function was abolished, mainly to corporations and governments. The past three years’ health, social, and medical debacles illustrate my point perfectly, as the “modern” medical establishment has not only failed but directly contributed to the failure and ongoing harm to millions.
Ask yourself the question. Why does your church, your religious organization, NOT teach the principles of Health and Health Freedom? Why are ordained ministers, not each and everyone, a minister also of Health, Medicine, curing disease, and supporting the wellness of the physical body as well as the spirit? Why do your ministers and pastors recommend you submit to corporate and social agenda-based health care for your many illnesses, and why does your church not have a medical mission or function?
Jesus, “The Great Physician,” was famous for his healing ministry. We see healing ministry as genuine, spiritually-based medicine’s proper and true function.
We can help correct this glaring absence of function. We can rectify this. We can help you, your organization, your church, and your community create a medical function and eventually an independent medical seminary and school able to prepare ministers for medical practice based on functional and biblical supported medical practice, which is moral, ethical, and in the likeness of Jesus as a role model.
American College of Natural Medicine, Thai Yoga Center provides you and your family with spiritually based natural health education.
It is one thing to be saved. It is another to be healthy.
I am available by phone or email to have this discussion with you, your community, or your pastor.SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine
Could you take 5 Minutes and contact us today?
Let us help you achieve your goal of becoming a source person, Therapist, Minister, or physician practicing Ethical, Moral, Christ-Centered, Functional Natural Medicine!
We have five professional Certificate programs to move you toward your dream career! Now with both LIVE retreats and Online Distance Learning options.
A.C.N.M./ (Formerlly S.C.N.M.) Now offers a unique Natural Medicine curriculum based on biblical, Christian, and traditional indigenous healing traditions.
Degree programs integrate Indigenous Thai Traditional Medicine and Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda, Nature Cure or Traditional Naturopathy, and Traditional Native American Medicine. Meet your goals of becoming an expert, source person, Minister, or Physician in the Alternative, complementary, and Natural Medicine industry, able to offer functional medicine solutions based on proven healing traditions.
Bring Christ-centered functional medicine to your home, church, and community!
Practice TRUE medicine. Save your time in medical education, which only supports profits over patient care!
Work as a professional therapist practitioner while in school!
Call today to speak with an enrollment officer (706) 358-8646
Don’t settle to be just a guide, a health coach, or a side gig practitioner, when for the same time, effort, and cost, you can become a Complimentary Medicine, Monastic Christian & Ayurveda-based Physician practicing Sacred Functional Medicine.
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