NAIC BSSc Core Curriculum

A.C.N.M. American College of Natural Medicine

Bachelor of Sacred Science Degree – Major: Holistic Natural Health/ Holistic Alternative Medicine

Core Curriculum

The term “baccalaureate” means laurel berry and refers to the ancient practice of honoring scholars and poets with garlands from the bay laurel tree. Ancient Greeks and Romans crowned victors with wreaths of laurel; today, we give the diploma. The actual use of this term conferred the holder of a first university degree. It appeared at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century through a system of degrees established by the bull Parens scientiarum of Pope Gregory IX. Today, the characteristics of human language formed the basis of the liberal arts bachelor’s curriculum. The term ‘liberal arts’ is described in Encyclopædia Britannica as a “college or university curriculum aimed at imparting general knowledge and developing intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum.” In classical antiquity, the term designated the education proper to a freeman (Latin libera, “free”) instead of a slave.

In medieval universities, the four years of the baccalaureate program were built around  “grammar,” “rhetoric,” “philosophy,” and “theology,” respectively. The logic was included in rhetoric and metaphysics in philosophy. Theology was considered the unique discipline probing into the most critical category of knowledge – the knowledge of God and man’s relation like this. Inherent in the liberal arts program was the conviction that understanding the nature of language is of fundamental importance. The relation of philosophy, awareness of linguistics, and symbolism was to inspire theological study using deductive combined with mystic knowledge, leading to the power of the Divine Word. This combined study – the natural sciences and metaphysics – will aid graduates in cross-cultural missionary works and provide the platform to learn second and tertiary languages. It also fosters religious tolerance, respect for humanitarian development, and adaptability in learning and respecting folk medicines.

The modern counterpart of the medieval curriculum developed a similar hierarchy, yet rarely put into actual practice in today’s secular schools:
1. Grammar.
2. Logic.
3. Semantics.
4. Metalinguistics.
5. Neurolinguistics.

An explanation is warranted. Man, by his most characteristic and unique observable activity, is the neurologic preservation of experience, not only in individuals but also in the species. As far as is known, no other species can retain a store of knowledge that is transmitted to successive generations outside of genetic transmission. The use of symbols accomplishes this process of transmitting accumulated knowledge. Since the use of symbols is the most crucial and unique characteristic of man-woman and their knowledge, it is proper to call humans symbol-users and to make the study of the symbolic processes central to the spiritual study of man. A symbol can be most vividly defined by contrast with another form of communication called signals. By a signal, which means nothing more than a stimulus to which a response has been conditioned in a living organism. Thus, as shown by Pavlov, to a dog, the sound of a bell may be a signal for secreting saliva, a whistle may be a signal to start running, and the command “Sit!” is a signal for sitting. It follows that signals can have meanings for any organism capable of conditioned response, but they are not symbols.

All human language is based on symbols and is grammatical. Its meanings reside in separate utterances and relations among utterances – not only in expressions of experience but also in assertions about experience.  Grammar is empirical, denoting how words are put together in various languages to form ideas, assertions, and other modes of communication. Logic, on the other hand, is entirely deductive, like mathematics. Logic (from Classical Greek logos, meaning word, thought, idea, argument, reason) is the study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration.

The last three disciplines, semantics, metalinguistics, and neurolinguistics, constitute the broad subject matter of what is known as general semantics.

Semantics (Greek sēmantikos, giving signs, significance, meaning) refers to aspects of meaning as expressed in language or other systems of signs. Semantics involves the interplay of factual data with theoretical concepts. Genuinely understanding symbols enables our students to learn with astonishing rapidity by utilizing the experiences of others as a tutoring process.

Symbols allow learning not only a great many valuable things but also recognizing things that are not real, only imagined. This applies to collective and individual knowledge. The influence of symbols on human behavior is extraordinarily profound and diverse.  The general semanticist defines good symbolic behavior as the behavior governed by “semantic awareness.” An awareness of the distinction between symbol and referent, between inference and observation, between a valid conclusion and a factually accurate statement; an awareness of the distortions that verbalization necessarily brings into our perceptions; an appreciation of the role of communication in human affairs and of memory as the unique survival mechanism peculiar to our species. Semantic understanding leads to heuristic development. Heuristics are “rules of thumb,” educated guesses, intuitive judgments, or developed common sense.

The Bachelor of Sacred Science Degree – Major: Natural Health/ Alternative Medicine emphasizes:

Systematic Studies I, [Grammar]
At today’s ‘hospital,’ patients are intensively and progressively mystified. At the time of dismissal, less than one-third have understood what disease they have been treated for and less than one-fourth of what therapy they have been subjected to.
Grammar, language, & symbology Lectures: Man Grand Symbol of the Mysteries; Studies in Dream Symbolism; Mystery and Meaning of the Ancient Rituals; Interpreting Great Legends of the World; Doctrines of Early Judaism
Medical Terminology
Man, Miracle, and Bodily Systems [Anatomy and physiology review]
Man and our Systems of Cures (both ancient and modern)
History of Medicine

Systematic Studies II [Logic]
Awe-inspiring medical technology has combined with media rhetoric to create the impression that contemporary medicine is highly effective. Unnatural medicines undermine health through direct aggression against individuals and the impact on society as a whole.
Rhetoric and logic Lectures: Doctrines of Early Christianity; Interpreting Psychological Theory and Practice; The Atom in Religion and Philosophy
Medical Chemistry
Essentials of Diet & Nutrition
Foods and their Sacred and Medicinal Uses
Pregnancy and Childbearing

Systematic Studies III [Semantics]
For more than a century, analysis of disease trends has shown that the environment is the primary determinant of the state of the general health of any population. Medical science, doctors, and vaccines did not win the ‘victory over epidemics. The decline has resulted from technical, social, and hygienic improvements and significantly improved nutrition. As the older causes of disease recede, a new kind of malnutrition is becoming the most rapidly expanding modern epidemic. One-third of humanity survives on a level of undernourishment that would formerly have been lethal. At the same time, increasingly rich people absorb more significant amounts of poisons and mutagens in their food.

Medicalization: is the process by which health and behavior problems come to be defined and treated pharmaceutically as medical issues. For example, I treat normal grief with anti-depressants or treat normal labor and delivery as a disease only to be treated at the hospital. A vast amount of contemporary clinical care is incidental to curing disease. Still, the damage done by medicine and drugs to the health of individuals and populations is very significant. These facts are apparent, well-documented, and even repressed.
Semantic Lectures, the Wisdom Series: Pythagorean Theory of Number;
The Great Polarities; Unseen Forces That Affect Our Lives; Studies in Self-Unfoldment
• History of the Knights Hospitallers
Man, Microbes & Maladies
Man, Viruses & Vicissitudes
Principles of Detoxification

Systematic Studies IV [Metalinguistics]
Medical civilization tends to turn pain into a technical matter, depriving suffering of its inherent personal and spiritual meaning. People forego acceptance of suffering as an inevitable part of their conscious coping with reality and learn to interpret every ache as an indicator of their need for pampering. Medical practice today sponsors sickness by reinforcing a morbid society that encourages people to become consumers of synthetic medicines rather than make efforts to reduce their risks through a personal change in habits and the need for repentance. Medicalization fosters psychosomatic illness and deprives them of spirit.
* Philosophy Lectures: First Principles of Philosophy [Physicien, Fr. A natural philosopher]; Landmarks of Esoteric Literature; New Concepts of Therapy for Daily Living
Animal Parasites in Man
Dolorology [The study of pain]
Balneotherapy [Physiotherapies]

Systematic Studies V [Neurolinguistics]
Neurolinguistics is the study of the neurological processes underlying the development and use of language dealing with evaluations of individual psychology. Theology is the discipline probing into the most critical category of knowledge- the knowledge of God and man’s relation to him. Inherent in this program is the conviction that understanding the nature of language is of fundamental importance.
Theology & Metaphysics Lectures: The Universe According to Esoteric Philosophy; Cosmic Theology; Worlds in Transition; Science of Mind
Herbs and their Sacred and Medicinal Uses
Disease and the Human Body [Introductory Pathology]
Electrotherapy & Lymphology
Essential Psychology
Natural Medicine Diagnosis

Course Completion
To gain maximal benefit from your studies, it is recommended that the student plan to take at least two, but preferably three courses per semester (4 chronological months). There are 14 compulsory Diploma courses and one elective, so the average student should complete all 15 compulsory courses to be awarded the Bachelor of Science in Holistic Medicine in just over 18 months. A maximum of 24 months is allowed for completion for students with heavy work commitments.

Clinical PracticumBachelor of Science Degree – Major: Natural Health/ Alternative Medicine students will have an opportunity to study with both Dr. Anthony B. James and Prof. Dr. Charles McWilliams and will be able to get hands-on training in all aspects of the holistic healing arts. This will be the student’s opportunity to see the application of everything they have learned on actual patients with real diseases.

Studying in other Holistic Centers closer to home is flexible, but the College must assess these before being certified to accept students.

To complete the Bachelor of Science Degree – Major: Natural Health/ Alternative Medicine, there is a dissertation based on empirical work or case studies that must be completed by the end of the course.

Postgraduate Courses
After completing the Bachelor of Sacred Science Degree – Major: Holistic Natural Health/ Holistic Alternative Medicine, it is possible to immediately move on to the postgraduate Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine/ Traditional Naturopathic Doctor – (DSNM/ SND). Credits from the Bachelor of Sacred Science in Natural Health will be automatically transferable towards this higher degree.


Important! Reduced Tuition Scholarships are available! We also have liberal payment plans to work with your life and finances. (Current scholarship and or reduced tuition offers expire December 30th. 2023. 5:00 pm.)


Not Included: Required housing for residential modules (Ctp1, A.L.C., A.H.C., A.Y.T., TCP). There is a separate meal plan available listed with housing.  Electrical for Camping and or Kitchen use fee. Personal medical consultations and or treatments of any kind with Dr. Anthony James or other A.C.N.M./ TYC staff. Personal medical or treatments/ consultations are available by appointment at additional expense. See N.W.S. Clinic Menu for details.

Special Tuition for currently enrolled T.Y.C. Students and or past graduates!

Can I add this Bachelor of Sacred Science Degree – Major: Natural Health/ Alternative Medicine and or BASS major in Massage Therapy program to an existing SomaVeda® program I am already enrolled in, such as CTP2, TCP, A.S.A., D.S.T.I.M., and or D.S.N.M.? Yes! We can combine the A.A. Degree for a meager fee. If you are currently enrolled or a past Thai Yoga Center Certification program graduate, call us for some good news! Call T.Y.C. Today!

Please Note: On-site housing is mandatory to qualify for eligibility for tuition scholarships. On-site housing is NOT required to attend A.C.N.M./ TYC programs. Nonresidential students are considered students at large registrations (S.A.L.). They may still qualify for special pricing based on the registration date and the number of available seats in any given class.


The State of Florida Department of Education

Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities

Native American Indigenous Church: American College of Natural Medicine (N.A.I.C.) operates in compliance as a degree-granting institution through exemption by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities under Section 1005.06 (1) (f), F.L.A. Statutes. Like other states, the state does not require accreditation or theological accreditation for our religious education-based programs.


Important: Please Note! N.A.I.C. Inc./ American College of Natural Medicine/ SomaVeda® College of Ayurveda Medicine/ Thai Yoga Center Cancellation and Refund Policies apply to all registrations and reservations for courses and programs. N.A.I.C./ Thai Yoga Center Programs are not public. They are offered exclusively by expressed religious/ private associations, and acceptance of these Posted Refund and Cancellation Policies and RPGs are a precondition towards acceptance and participation in any program or course of study. Click Here for the Refund and Cancellation Policy

SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® and SomaVeda®  are federally registered trademarks/servicemarks and proprietary intellectual property; all world rights are reserved.

Native American Indigenous Church

2 thoughts on “NAIC BSSc Core Curriculum”

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