Doctor of Sacred Medicine Curriculum

A.C.N.M. American College of Natural Medicine

N.A.I.C. American College of Natural Medicine:

Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine: D.S.N.M. (P), Doctor of Monastic Medicine- DMM) & Sacred Ayurveda Ph.D. Pre-Med Diploma Program Curriculum

Authorized Compliant Educational Institution Status with State of Florida Department of Education Commission of Independent Colleges and Universities and N.A.I.C., S.M.O.C.H., our programs are accepted for Commission and Authorization in every state! Approved for Qualification for A.N.C.B. Naturopathic National Boards for Traditional Naturopaths! Click here for the Approval Letter. Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine Ayurveda (D.S.N.M. (P) / D.M.M. Diploma Program

Those exceptional students wishing to complete the requirements for a Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine suitable for the U.S. and internationally recognized Licentiate may apply to our post-graduate seminary Degree Program. This Sacred Naturopathic Doctoral Diploma Program may be completed after the requirements of A.S.A., BSSc, and D.S.T.I.M. Our Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine Diploma qualifies for N.A.IC./ S.M.O.C.H. Authorization Under Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine D.S.N.M. (.P) (D.M.M.), depending on final clinical or counseling specialization areas.

For details on our most advanced Diploma program, Click Here!

Curriculum: The entire course of study prepares one to practice Sacred primary care and sacred natural medicine. The two-course programs are also designed to prepare students to apply to various National and internationally recognized associations for natural medicine for Board Recognition and Authorization (N.A.I.C., A.N.C.B., S.M.O.C.H.). To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, and methods for career development in natural medicine and related fields. The graduate will consider this continuing education a fundamental part of professional growth and development. Click here for D.S.N.M. Traditional Natural Medicine Purpose, Goal, Learning Objectives, and Competencies: For specific details and pricing, please get in touch with the office at N.A.I.C. or call (706) 358-8646. Please note: DSNM-DMM Curriculum requirements are subject to change without notice and may include updates, additions, or deletions/ substitutions at any time.

Total Clock Hours: A.C.N.M. Post Graduate: Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine/ Traditional Naturopathy Degree – Major: Traditional Natural Medicine including all 6 Terms, Clinic, and Residency = *Requires (2,000 hours)



Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine (D.S.N.M./ D.M.M.) Interim Program Studies

Our teaching approach gives the practitioner a more affordable alternative to new educational vistas by combining resident studies and distance learning. These are not ordinary courses with ordinary content. Each class will be a life-changing ascent toward becoming a natural medicine physician.
Online Academic Programs
N.A.I.C. American College of Natural Medicine/ PanAm offers a wide range of Graduate and Undergraduate courses. Undergraduate courses have course numbers 499 and below. Graduate courses have numbered 500 and above. Consult with the Dean before enrollment to ensure that your course selection meets your degree or diploma requirements and that you satisfy all prerequisites for the Diploma or Sacred Doctorate program. Each course description includes all prerequisite requirements in bold. The Dean must approve any exceptions or exemptions to these requirements.
D.S.N.M. TERMS 1 & 2 Eight months
Term 1 clock hours
Bio 501. Medical Biology 50
Chem 502. Medical Chemistry 100
Bio 503. Medical Anatomy & Physiology 100
Phys 504. Medical Physics 75
Term 2  
Chem 505. Medical Biochemistry 75
Bio 506. Pathoanatomy 100
Bio 507. Cell Biology & Embryology 100
Bio 508. Microanatomy (Histology) 100
The emphasis of studies in the first two terms is on the basic medical sciences.  
Cadaver anatomy, microscopy, and cell biology are mandatory workshop requirements for successful completion. 100
DSNM TERMS 3 & 4 Eight months
Term 3 clock hours
Med. 509. Pathology 100
Bio 510. Medical Microbiology and Parasitology 75
Med 511. Pathophysiology 100
Bio 512. Medical Botany 50
Term 4  
Med 613. Pharmacognosy 50
Med 614. Medical Genetics 50
Med 615. Neurology 100
Med 616. Principles of Physical Diagnosis 50
The emphasis of studies in terms 3 & 4 is on pathology and physical diagnosis.  
Mandatory workshop requirements for successful completion: physical examination and laboratory medicine. 100
DSNM TERMS 5 & 6 Eight months
Term 5 clock hours
Med 617. Medical Herbology 50
Med 618. Materia Medica & Pharmacology 50
Bio 619. Hematology & Immunology 100
Bio 620. Endocrinology 50
Term 6  
Phys 621. Electromedical Physics 50
Med 622. Behavioral Science 50
Med 623. Clinical Medicine 150

The emphasis of studies in the last two terms is on clinical medicine, radiology, and practical psychiatry. The student receives a Doctor of Sacred Natural Medicine Degree upon completing all four required semesters, prerequisite courses, and the Clinical Board.

(Cost of Nevis Clinical Board residence course not included).

Mandatory workshop requirements for successful completion: electrodermal screening and radiology. 100

N.A.I.C. Donations: The “ala carte” tuition for the Post-Doctoral Program is $10,000.00 (U.S.) A required diploma from another A.C.N.M. degree program such as the ACNM ASA- Practitioner Natural Medicine Degree is required to qualify for this discounted tuition.

Full Tuition with NO scholarship is currently $34,386.70. Currently offering 1/2 tuition discount scholarship for qualified individuals who have completed at least one qualifying practitioner level certification or relevant degree.

Offer Valid until February 15th. 2025, 5:00 pm.
Please note: The current tuition allows online degree courses for 36 months only. Suppose the program is not completed with a diploma issued in month 37. In that case, a monthly stipend will be assessed at $189.00 per month until requirements are completed satisfactorily, a diploma is issued, or a student quits the program with 30 days’ notice, whichever comes first. All outstanding fees must be paid in full to qualify for graduation. NAIC AFM Membership is required to be active for the full term of enrollment to qualify for graduation.
Graduate Courses, Details
Doctorate in Sacred Natural Medicine Curriculum
Latin ExpressionsThe quotes have been collected from a variety of sources. The column is designed for the genus Irritabile vatum and all other interested ones.
Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree or Technical Degree in a Health Science, e.g., Chiropractic, Holistic Nursing, Acupuncture, Osteopathic Medicine, Board Certified Naturopathy, etc.; or completion of our Diploma in Natural Medicine Program. This qualification requires an explicitly college-level undergraduate degree in Natural Medicine, Holistic Medicine, etc. Do you feel you have other than the listed professional or life qualifications? We are happy to consult with you to determine applicability. Please note: S.C.N.M. Does not guarantee acceptance of nondegree-based certificates or certifications to meet the prerequisite requirement for this Doctorate. Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est. Medicine is the noblest of all arts.
  Vincit omnia veritas. Truth conquers all
Bio 501. Medical Biology: the study of biological principles with particular emphasis on evolutionary processes on human cellular metabolism, reproduction, natural processes, etc. Introduces basic concepts of biology at the cellular, organismal, population, and global (Gaia) levels of the organization and their applications to the human development of a more healthy society. Such concepts and observations of pleomorphic lifeforms give the natural medicine practitioner the knowledge to understand how such mysterious diseases as prion illness can arise from bad agricultural practices that are damaging to life. This course also furnishes a foundation in microbiology, embryology, obstetrics, and gynecology. This course represents an untold saga of different world views of many eminent biologists and naturalists whose viewpoints have all but been removed from the textbooks. Non-sum Pisces. I am not a fish.
Chem 502. Medical Chemistry: the study of chemistry, organic and inorganic, with particular emphasis on its applications in medical practice and laboratory medicine, as well as pharmacy chemistry and homeopathy. Igne Natura renovatur Integra” Through fire, nature is reborn whole.”
Bio 503. Advanced Human Anatomy & Physiology: an integrated study emphasizing diagnosis, physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture topology. The principal objective is to give students a firm understanding of the systemic and cellular mechanisms responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the human organism. Emphasis is placed on understanding how the body’s essential systems interact in controlling function. In vivo. Within the living organism.
Phys 504. Medical Physics: the study of physics with particular emphasis on its applications in medicine, e.g., calculations, physiologic force, electricity, gasometric, etc. Part I: Introduction to Physics; Part II: Medical Hydrology; Part III: Medical Electricity; Part IV: Thermotherapeutics. Lux sit. “Let there be light.”
Chem 505. Medical Biochemistry: The study of the biological chemistry of living organisms. It includes knowledge of the structure and function of the molecules in the natural world and an understanding of the precise pathways by which these molecules are synthesized, metabolized, and degraded. It also includes advanced principles of Clinical Nutrition. Aqua vitae. Water of life
Bio 506. PathoAnatomy:  An advanced course on Human Anatomy and Gross Pathology. Diagnosis is the first and most crucial part of any treatment. Most students have a theoretical understanding of organ changes in disease but often fail to recognize or appreciate the essential gross findings when presented with an illness or disorder. Learning the precise description of a lesion in an organ or tissue is as much part of medical training as is the physical examination of the patient. Most schools fall short on this issue. Tragoediae. Tragic pathos.
Bio 507. Cell Biology & Embryology: The study of the anatomy, physiology, pathology, and chemistry of the cell with emphasis on growth and development. Science of the origin and development of the organism from fertilization of the ovum to the end of the eighth week, including all life cycle stages with particular emphasis on maternal gestation, disorders, and nutrition. Genus homo. The human race.
Bio 508. Microanatomy (Histology): Histology is only interesting when it gives better insight into the structure and function of the tissue concerning a patient’s chief complaint. Histology remains the basis for all our physiologic deductions and theories. A priori. Reasoning from causes to effects.
Med 509. Pathology: The pathologic approach to disease shows how disease becomes established, produces effects, and translates into the patient’s symptoms. it studies circulatory disturbances, degenerative processes, inflammation, disturbances of growth and development, and neoplasia. Material is taught in a practical, clinical approach rather than by rout memory of pathological slides. Saepe morborum gravium exitus incerti sunt. The effects of serious illnesses are often unknown.
Bio 510. Medical Microbiology & Parasitology: The science concerned with microorganisms, including fungi, protozoa, bacteria, and viruses, as well as helminths parasites, primarily nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, and acanthocephalans. Epidemiology is also surveyed. Secundum artermAccording to the rules of art, or use your best judgment
Med 511. Pathophysiology: The detailed study of the derangement of function seen in disease; alteration in function as distinguished from structural defects. Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano. Let’s hope that there is a healthy spirit in a healthy body.
Bio 512. Medical Botany: A plant kingdom survey with particular emphasis on medicinal plants. Ninety-nine short lessons survey the various plant families. E fructu arbor cognoscitur. The tree can be recognized by its fruits.
Med 613. Pharmacognosy: A branch of pharmacology concerned with the physical characteristics of botanical and animal sources of crude drugs and vaccines. This course covers the aspects and uses of glycosides, tannins, volatile oils, alkaloids, endocrine products, and antibiotics. Primum non nocere. First, do no harm. [From the Hippocratic Oath].
Bio 614. Medical Genetics: Genetics has become a cornerstone of biology and the latest intensity in medical research. Stem cell science offers new hope for the regeneration of organs in living humans. Emphasis is placed on concise precepts that lead to the chromosomal theory of heredity and the modern molecular concept of the gene. Qualis pater, talis filius. As is the father, so is the son.
Bio 615. Neurology: The branch of medical science concerns the various nervous systems (central, peripheral, autonomic, and neuromuscular junction and muscle) and their disorders. Pain is one of the most basic symptoms that take a patient to a practitioner for relief. The pathophysiology and the complexities of pain are covered in 7 additional lessons. Quae nocent, saepe docent. What hurts often instructs.
Med 616. Principles of Physical Diagnosis: These lessons cover the basics of signs and symptoms and our new functional diagnosis. A priori. Reasoning from causes to effects.
Med 617. Medical Herbology: A study in herbal medicine and the Materia Medica. The student learns the philosophy behind herbal healing and the uses of flowers, leaves, twigs, bark, and roots. The student understands the formulary. Bona diagnosis, bona curation. Good diagnosis, a good cure. Haec fabula docet. This fable teaches us.
Med 618. Materia Medica & Pharmacology: A structured study of the biochemical properties of herbs and the therapeutic actions concerning prescription. Materia medica. Medical material.
Bio 619. Hematology & Immunology: The science concerns immunity, induced sensitivity, and allergy. The medical specialty pertains to the anatomy, physiology, pathology, symptomatology, and therapeutics related to the blood and blood-forming tissues, emphasizing functional diagnosis and nutrition. Bene diagnoscitur, bene curatur. Something that is well diagnosed can be cured well.
Bio 620. Endocrinology: The science and medical specialty concerned with internal or hormonal secretions and their physiologic and pathologic relations with particular emphasis on chronic, degenerative diseases (diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue syndrome, etc.). Tolle Causum. Treat the underlying cause of the disease.
Phys 621. Electromedical Physics: This last phase of studies represents the clinical and practical challenges for the self-paced, advanced student. Clinical Residency on Nevis is a mandatory part of the process where the student’s diagnostic and therapeutic skills are advanced. Here the Mentor-student relationship is bonded as the student learns the fine points of diagnosis and therapeutic regimens. Emphasis on electrodermal diagnosis and herbal prescriptions in the primary care, natural medicine setting. This is the final phase of the Doctoral Program leading to D.S.N.M. Primum Non Nocere.First, Do No Harm.
Med 622. Behavioral Science: The basic concepts of psychiatric evaluation and treatment for the primary care physician are offered to provide the understanding necessary for everyday practice. Integra mens augustissima possessio. A sound mind is the most majestic possession.
Med 623. Clinical Medicine: This last phase of studies represents the ultimate challenge for the self-paced, advanced student. Clinical Residency on Nevis is a mandatory part of the process where the student’s diagnostic skills are advanced. Here the Mentor-student relationship is established, and a course of study is planned. Emphasis is on Bedside diagnosis and learning basic laboratory skills in the primary care, natural medicine setting: Interrogation and history, Auscultation, Palpation diagnosis, Functional medical diagnosis, and Laboratory examination of Blood and Urine. The course is supplemented with over 60 hours of lectures on various medical topics – internal medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, oncology, surgery, general practice, emergency medicine, etc. Ars longa vita brevis. The craft of medicine takes a lifetime to acquire.
Verba docent, exempla trahunt. Words instruct examples (or illustrations) lead—ex nihilo nihil fit. Work is required to succeed.

Additional Included Studies!


Primary Care, Focal Infectiology, Bowel Ecology & G.I. Tract Healing, FAMILY PRACTICE REVIEW FOR THE 21st CENTURY (70 audio lectures), Orthopedics For the Vitalist, Obstetrics & Gynecology for the Vitalist, Ecclesiastical Self-Care Counseling, Allerology for the Vitalist, Bariatrics For the Vitalist, Cancerology For the Vitalist, Cardiology For the Vitalist, Dermatology For the Vitalist, Diabetology For the Vitalist, Midwifery & Obstetrics for the Vitalist, Endrocrinology For the Vitalist, Essentials of Diving Medicine, Gastroenterology For the Vitalist, Infectiology For the Vitalist, Medical Hydrology, Medical Physics, Neurology For the Vitalist, Oncology For The Vitalist, Ophthalmology For the Vitalist, Pediatrics & Adolescence For the Vitalist, Pharmacology For the Vitalist, Psychiatry For the Vitalist, Sleep Medicine for the Vitalist, Sports Medicine for The Vitalist, Traumatology For The Vitalist, Travel Medicine For the Vitalist, Vaccinology For the Vitalist, Skin Thermometry, Indigenous and Traditional Medicine.

Please Note! A.C.N.M. offers cutting-edge and up-to-date education in COVID-19, Long Covid, Vaccination, and post-Vax “Booster” complications from Mrna-nano technology delivery systems and recovery strategies. A.C.N.M. is one of the few Colleges today offering ANY of this information and protocols from a Christian, Native American, and Indigenous perspective.


The entire course of study (A.S.A./ P.N.M. & D.S.N.M./ N.D.(T), D.M.M./ Ph.D. Ayurveda Medicine) prepares one to practice primary care, wellness, and natural medicine as a practitioner of conscience. The two-course programs are also designed to prepare students to pass voluntary Naturopathic National Boards and qualify for Vocational and Medical Authorization via (A.N.C.B., N.A.I.C., S.M.O.K.H.)   To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, and methods for career development in natural medicine and related fields. The graduate will consider this continuing education a fundamental part of spiritual and professional growth and development. Click here for D.S.N.M./ N.D. (T) Traditional Sacred Natural Medicine Curriculum Purpose, Goal, Learning Objectives, and Competencies: Admissions (click here)
The Undergraduate Associate of Sacred Arts in Traditional Natural Medicine: (A.S.A.) (2,595 hours): There are 1,245 clock hours of academic (online) study, which is coupled with 1,350 hours of seminars, workshops, and clinical observations. Healing arts practitioners, e.g., Massage therapists, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Nurses, etc., may apply for advanced status and life experience. Each candidate is appraised on individual status.
The Graduate Doctorate Program in Sacred Natural Medicine (2,000 hours): There are 1400 clock hours of academic (online) study, coupled with 600 hours of seminars, workshops, and clinical observations. Practitioners of the healing arts, e.g., N.D.s, M.D.s, D.O, D.C.s, and others of advanced standing can apply for credits and waivers. Graduates of the Diploma Program require only 300 hours of clinical observations (2,000 hours total).

Why the two Programs? The Diploma program allows one to make a career change if the candidate only has high school biology and chemistry knowledge. The Sacred Doctorate program is based on the same ladder of subjects found in a traditional medical school but on a different premise of content, as rote memorization of facts is not the desired goal but rather personal integration of the subject matter that can be applied immediately and clinically. Non scholae sed vitae discimus. We learn not for school but for life. N.A.I.C. SomaVeda Accreditations, Approvals, and Recognitions Native American Indigenous Church Educational Programs Accredited/ Compliant State of Florida D.O.E., N.A.I.C., and A.N.C.B. Approved for Qualification for A.N.C.B. Naturopathic National Boards for Traditional Naturopath! Consider one of our other great educational programs: click here for the Approval Letter. If you want to start more simply and with less cost and commitment…

1) (C.T.P.1) Certified Thai Yoga Practitioner Program ( 164 CE hours.)

2) (A.L.C.) Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant Certification (535 CE Hours.)(Meets or exceeds National Ayurvedic Medical Association Guidelines for Membership)

3) (A.H.C.) Ayurvedic Health Consultant Certification (750 CE Hours.)(Meets or exceeds AAPNA Guidelines for Membership)

4) (T.C.P.) SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Teacher Certification Program (1028 CE hours: The country’s most comprehensive Thai Yoga teacher training. Includes the Ayurveda Yoga Therapist Certification at no additional cost! Meets and or exceeds A.A.P.N.A. registration requirements for Yoga Therapist!)

5) Associate of Sacred Arts in Traditional Natural Medicine (A.S.A. Practitioner Natural Medicine) ( 2595 CE hours/ 72 Cr.)

Does A.C.N.M. Participate or offer Federal or State Financial Aid/ Grants or Tuition assistance?

No, we do not. As a Private, Christian/Christ-centered Native American Tribal Organization, Ecclesiastical or Church Seminary, we do not participate in secular or state funding for educational purposes. Instead, our N.A.I.C.: A.C.N.M. Degree programs are on a donation basis, allowing us to be very generous regarding tuition and scholarships. Considering the current tuition in schools and programs that participate in Federal funding, even if an average student qualified for the maximum in grants and financial aid, they would often still pay out of pocket anywhere from two to ten times A.C.N.M. tuition! Our tuition structure does not leave students with many student loans to repay after graduation! Most students find they have made back multiples of their tuition and expenses before graduation!

Does ACNM Offer Authorized Legal Protections to Practice?

Yes! Under our NAIC Legal Shield Authorizations, we can give you the legal rights to practice in all 50 states and USA Territories without requiring separate Massage or Medical Licensing! If you have questions or need a personal consultation regarding your “post-graduate” legal authorizations to practice, please contact the office today!

Important: Please Note! N.A.I.C. Inc./ Priory of Saving Grace/ American College of Natural Medicine/ Thai Yoga Center Cancellation and Refund Policies apply to all registrations and reservations for courses and programs. N.A.I.C./ Thai Yoga Center Programs are not public. They are offered exclusively under the expressed religious/ private associations. Accepting these Posted Refund and Cancellation Policies and RPGs is a precondition for acceptance and participation in any program or course of study. Click Here for Refund and Cancellation Policy A.C.N.M. SomaVeda® programs at http://www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com. Call or write to us today! N.A.I.C. Inc.( American College of Natural Medicine/ Thai Yoga Center) (706) 358-8646 Native American Indigenous Church (N.A.I.C.) 8491 Central Ave., Brooksville, FL 34613 SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda®  are a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.

4 thoughts on “Doctor of Sacred Medicine Curriculum”

  1. I graduated from medical school in San Francisco, California in 1974,but would like to enroll in your program to get a doctorate in Natural medicine! California medical license.

    What courses do I need to take to render this to manifestation?

    1. Hello Jordan and thank you for your interest. No way to answer without further information? All information on all of the degree programs is listed on the website. If you have any personal questions regarding anything not on the website send an email to the school directly with your full contact information and the name of the program and preference for start date and we will reply asap. Cheers!

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