Indian Health Care Certificate Courses
Native American Indigenous Church (N.A.I.C.) and American College of Natural Medicine are announcing our new Indian Health Care Certificate Courses for Native American providers of specialty wellness services and counseling targeted at specific illnesses and conditions causing much suffering in the Native American communities both on and off the reservation.
The first program is the SomaVeda® Native Healthcare Specialist: Native Diabetes Care Counselor™; however, we hope to add more certificate courses for professional Indigenous Native counselors seeking to improve the health and longevity of all Native Peoples. Our systems are unique because they honor, respect, and incorporate traditional sacred medicine teachings and ceremonies with modern, evolving natural medicine strategies for curing people.
In addition to treatment strategies based on Sacred Medicine traditions, we will teach vital organizational skills, office, record keeping, and marketing to develop a successful practice. Participants are empowered to return and work with reservation populations in providing healthcare.
For practitioners of all disciplines desiring to work with native communities, we recommend our courses as preparation and compatible with your existing practice.
Indian Health Care Certificate Course
SomaVeda® Native Healthcare Specialist:
Diabetes Care Counselor Certificate
On. A SomaVeda® N.H.S.: NDCC™ (Certified Native Diabetes Care Counselor™ ) educates and supports people affected by Diabetes to understand and manage the condition. A SomaVeda® N.H.S.: NDCC™ promotes guided self-management following our traditional medicine person model to achieve individualized behavioral and treatment goals that optimize health outcomes and reduce and or eliminate the impact of Diabetes in our community SomaVeda® Native Health Care Specialist: Certified Native Diabetes Counselor™ is an Indigenous, traditional, and or Native American health professional, Certified after rigorous training, authorized by Native American Indigenous Church (N.A.I.C.), who possesses comprehensive knowledge of and experience in diabetes management, pre-diabetes, and diabetes prevention. Native Healthcare Specialist: Native Diabetes Care Counselor™ is an individual who advises those who have Diabetes on how to manage all aspects of the condition, including the emotional and spiritual elements. They also offer general Education to those not infected, with healthy eating to avoid the risk of catching Diabetes.
Course details:
(30 C.E. Hour/ Three Day) How to effectively address the physical, emotional, spiritual, and nutritional factors that lead to the debilitating illness of Diabetes and its many complications. We will cover the role of Sacred Nutrition, Sacrament, and Ceremony in healing Diabetes from the N.A.I.C. Indigenous, traditional, and Native American Perspective. This exceptional intensive course will be offered to eligible students at no additional tuition during any regularly scheduled 164 hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Retreat (CTP1). This is a live training and can not be completed online. CLICK HERE
The Native Health Care Specialist: Diabetes Counselor will learn and practice traditional-based strategies for reducing or eliminating the condition and increasing the quality of life for people with Diabetes. This certificate program, developed by Native Americans for Native Americans, will allow specialists to establish a Native Health Care: Native Diabetes Counseling service on their home reservation and anywhere Native People would benefit from it.
Course Includes:
Workbook and Support materials
Online pre-requisite course issued 30 days before attendance
Wellness Health Forum: Food Over Medicine Practitioner Curriculum and Certificate
What is Diabetes?
How does Diabetes develop?
What is Type 1 Diabetes?
What is Type 2 Diabetes?
What is Gestational Diabetes?
Why are Native Americans Affected at higher levels than the general population?
Reservation Diet and Failure of Modern Diet
Traditional Native Nutrition and Key to Wellness
World Indigenous Medicines Perspectives on Treating Diabetes in Native Populations
Clia Waived Blood Glucose Test and Monitoring
Alcoholism and Diabetes
Indigenous Healers Treat Symptoms of Diabetes
Dealing with Neuropathy with Nature Cure
Dense Nutrition for Toxicity and Deficiency
Juicing and Blending Strategies and Recipes
Reduce Diabetes in 30 to 60-day protocol
Traditional Native Roles of Medicine Person in Healing for Individuals and Communities.
Native Herbal Remedies for Diabetes and related conditions.
Native Herbal Apothecary
Classical Ayurveda and Diabetes
When to refer to medical?
Non-invasive alternatives and clinical adjuncts to enhance practice.
SomaVeda Integrative Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Intro
Native American Chirothesia and Hands-on Healing, Anointing, and Blessing
Legal Guidelines for N.A.I.C. Indian Health Care Specialists and Counselors
Clinic and Practice Procedures and Marketing
Written Exam and Certificate on Completion.
Continuing Education available to graduates
Pre-requisites: This class is open to any persons and students from any background or level of training. Class size is limited, and preference is given to Indigenous, Native American, and N.A.I.C.members. This intensive is suitable for new students or practitioners seeking an alternative modality from a spiritual perspective. SomaVeda® Integrated Traditional Therapies: Native Diabetes Carer Counselor™ Certificate program incorporates elements of mindfulness, ancient, traditional, and modern evolving ideas, and technologies to create and support a singular healing experience systematically. Expect to gain tremendous insight into the positive impact on populations and clients suffering from Diabetes.
What do we teach in this course?
The Native Diabetes Care Counselor™ Certificate (SomaVeda® NHS NDCC™) course covers the basic concepts of Education and counseling coupled with hands-on healing in a balanced protocol using SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®. This traditional and indigenous medicine-derived system allows the practitioner or teacher to gain a three-dimensional or holistic perspective on facilitating and participating in another’s healing process.
· After completing this course, students will: the student can function as a Native Diabetes Care Counselor™ providing Indian Health Care Alternative therapy, guidance, and counseling within the more significant Native American population. Of course, this information would be helpful to anyone concerned about risks associated with Diabetes in their life.
· Understand the essential elements of the theory of both traditional and modern anatomy, physiology, and biology as it relates to Diabetes Care
· Major clinical applications for use in clinical or professional treatment environments.
· Understand the benefits, contraindications, and clinical medical applications of Diabetes Care in practice.
· Understand and be able to perform the basic protocol and principles of SomaVeda® B.E.T./ Bio-tapping technique for balancing and clearing negative emotions.
Next Diabetes Care Counselor Course: January, March, May, July, and November 2023.
N.A.I.C. offers generous grants and Tuition scholarships for Tribal/ Native American Applicants. Call the Office for Specific Details on Grants and Tuition Scholarships.
Important Note! We consider this class to be a Sophisticated Beginner Class. Graduates at this level should never think of themselves to be medical professionals or present their practice to the public as medical professionals. These classes are meant for educational purposes only and do not purport to make any medical recommendations. Federal and State law regulates medical recommendations and diagnoses for any disease condition and may only be practiced by a licensed physician or other licensed health care provider. However, when practiced in conjunction with all of the SomaVeda®, this class provides a substantial foundation for becoming a professional! This program is currently included as a module for our SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine (A.C.N.M.) College Degree Programs.
N.A.I.C. Accreditations, Approvals, and Recognitions
Important: Please Note! N.A.I.C. Inc./ American College of Natural Medicine/ Thai Yoga Center Cancellation and Refund Policies apply to all registrations and reservations for courses and programs. N.A.I.C./ Thai Yoga Center Programs are not public. They are offered exclusively under-expressed ecclesiastical/ private associations. Accepting these Posted Refund and Cancellation Policies and RPGs is a precondition for approval and participation in any program or course of study. Click Here for the Refund and Cancellation Policy
SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies®, SomaVeda® is a Federally Registered Trademark/ Servicemark and proprietary Intellectual Property, All World Rights Reserved.
like to know more about your phD program in Ayurveda.
714 318 8784
Hi and good day. All information on the PhD in Ayurveda Medicine is available on the SCNM website… https://www.somaveda.org/doctor-of-ayurveda-general-information/ Cheers!
Hi could you see me as much information as possible about acquiring the different degrees of certification and their cost. Thank you!
Sure thing. I just sent you an email… All details are posted on this website. Thanks!
Hi there,
Could you ditto the same information to me that you emailed to Mr. Weathington? Thanks much.
Hello Sandra. All information is on this website and on our Physical school site at https://thaiyogacenter.com. If there are questions or if you want to register for any of our qualifying courses. Please email the school/ Tribal Org. directly. Your also welcome to call for a personal consultation. Thanks! Be well, Dr. J
Hello, I cannot find pricing in your course catalog for the SomaVeda® Native Health Care Specialist: Certified Native Diabetes Counselor™ may you please send me more information with start dates?
Thank you!
Hello, all of the NAIC Seminary Certificate courses and programs are listed on the Thai Yoga Center website at https://ThaiYogaCenter.com. Schedules are posted there as well.The pre-requisite certification course is the 164 hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certification Retreat at https://thaiyogacenter.com/thai-yoga-practitioner-certificate-program-description/
If you have personal questions regarding any specific requirements or certification courses, contact us directly by email. Thanks!